Fines All loans are free of charge. If your materials are overdue you will be charged 10 cents a day, except for DVDs which are fined at $1.00 per day. The borrower is responsible for all materials charged out on his or her card. Parents or guardians are responsible for all materials checked out by their children for whom they have signed library card applications.
Damages beyond reasonable wear will be assessed by the library and paid by the borrower.
Lost Materials Library patrons are responsible for any materials checked out of the Library on their Library card. Replacement costs for items lost and processing fees are the responsibility of the patron who loses the Library materials. In case of a child under the age of 18, the lost item becomes the responsibility of the parent or guardian who signed the minor’s Library registration card and will consequently be charged for the missing items.
1. The Library will notify the patron of the replacement cost of the lost item by mail or email.
2. When the lost item has been paid for, the item will be removed from the patron’s records.
3. A nonrefundable processing fee of $5.00 will be charged to the patron in addition to the price of the item lost.
4. If a patron owes more than $5.00 in fines, the patron will not be able to check out any other Library items.